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Governance Board

The Board of Directors, as the governing body of the Community Resource Centre, is responsible under the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act of the Province of Ontario for the overall operation and financial well-being of the Centre, and is subject to all the statutes, regulations, and precedents pertaining to corporate law. 

Representation on the board is community-wide, including members from our various consumer populations, members from the Killaloe and neighbouring business community, and members representing other children’s service agencies in Renfrew County.

Elections are held annually at the Annual General Meeting. Membership in the organization is free of charge and all Board meetings are “open” to members who wish to attend.


(Back row L-R) Bil Smith, Kristen Callaghan, Anne Burns, Greg McLeod, Andrew Capobianco

(Front row L-R) Susan Sheridan, Melissa Tremback, Roberta Della-Picca, Anne George, Fran Murphy

Missing: Duncan Noble, Elizabeth Burchat